What is a DAO and why does it matter to AEC?

Introduction Blockchain technology has revolutionized many industries worldwide, and the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry is no exception. A significant innovation in this context is the DAO, which is a "Decentralized Autonomous Organization". A DAO is a blockchain-based organizational structure that operates decentralised, enabling transparent and collaborative decision-making and facilitating participatory governance. In this article, we'll explore what exactly a DAO is and why it's relevant and important to the AEC industry. What is a DAO? A DAO is an autonomous, organization-like entity that operates through smart contracts on a blockchain network. Unlike a traditional company, there is no hierarchical structure of power, nor the need for intermediaries such as managers or executives. Instead, decision-making is carried out collectively and transparently, through voting based on ownership of tokens or units of the DAO's native c...

AutoCAD: Troubleshooting corrupt DWG files

An AutoCAD DWG file cannot be opened and causes AutoCAD to show error messages or alerts, or to freeze or crash.   


Possible causes of file corruption 
  • Network (transmission errors, file locking, latent writing of data)
  • Storage media degradation (bad sectors on a hard drive)
  • Defective or failing RAM
  • Operating system issues
  • Power surges
  • 3rd - party applications running inside the Autodesk product
  • DWGs created or saved by non-Autodesk non-RealDWG products
  • AutoCAD terminated while saving DWG (less frequent)

Recommendation: Audit and purge before saving


If a file cannot be opened, the following steps can be taken: 
  • RECOVER command 
  • Recovers a selected drawing file
  • If successful, open and run AUDIT command (Evaluates drawing integrity and possibly more error correction)
  • Set system variable AUDITCTL=1 to create a report of audit results
  • RECOVERALL command (Recovers a selected drawing file)
  • Attached and nested xrefs are also opened, repaired, resaved, and closed
  • Start a new DWG with no template 
  • Run INSERT and selected the corrupted drawing
  • Check the “Explode” option
  • If DGN data was used: 
  • NETLOAD the AutoCAD® DGN Hotfix (DgnLsPurge.dll) and run DGNPURGE
  • The Hotfix can be downloaded from the Autodesk® Knowledge Network Support 

If a file can be opened but still shows signs of corruption, the following steps can be taken:
  • PURGE command
  • Copy and Paste into a new drawing
  • Exports to a pure AutoCAD file in selected drawing version
  • Strips potentially corrupt custom objects
  • WBLOCK command 
  • Set all layers ON, THAWED and UNLOCKED
  • WBLOCK all objects in the drawing to an external block file
  • INSERT the resulting file as block into a new drawing (check the “Explode” option or EXPLODE the block after inserting)
  • DXFOUT to create a new .dxf file
  • Start new drawing and DXFIN to import the new .dxf file
  • Also try exporting as AutoCAD 12 DXF
  • XREF into a new drawing and BIND


AutoCAD; AutoCAD Civil 3D; AutoCAD Map 3D; AutoCAD Raster Design; Infrastructure Modeler 
Versions: 2011; 2012; 2013; 2014 

This document contains content adapted from the Autodesk® Knowledge Network, available under Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works. Copyright © Autodesk, Inc.

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