What is a DAO and why does it matter to AEC?

Introduction Blockchain technology has revolutionized many industries worldwide, and the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry is no exception. A significant innovation in this context is the DAO, which is a "Decentralized Autonomous Organization". A DAO is a blockchain-based organizational structure that operates decentralised, enabling transparent and collaborative decision-making and facilitating participatory governance. In this article, we'll explore what exactly a DAO is and why it's relevant and important to the AEC industry. What is a DAO? A DAO is an autonomous, organization-like entity that operates through smart contracts on a blockchain network. Unlike a traditional company, there is no hierarchical structure of power, nor the need for intermediaries such as managers or executives. Instead, decision-making is carried out collectively and transparently, through voting based on ownership of tokens or units of the DAO's native c...

How To Use YouTube Repeater in CAD/BIM Learning

One of the advantage of learning without the classroom is the online/interactive learning videos of today. YouTube have been there since February 2005 providing free tutorial/tips from different industry in AEC.

You can play these in the background while you're doing your freelance work or if in office while cad-ing your work to be uploaded at 10 pm (LOL).

To help you not to get distracted or not to disrupt you from what you're doing just to hit the replay button, I'm sharing you this very simple techie tip to keep your videos playing on repeat.

1. Go to YouTube.com and search for the video you want to watch repeatedly.
2. Click it open.
3. See the video URL in the address box?

4. After the word 'YouTube', enter this word: repeater.com
5. Press enter.
6. Your video is now on repeat!
7. You can set the video to repeat wherever you want it via the 'mark position'
box below the video.

Did it work for you?


But if your suck with, you have the option to watch or listen like TED, Tony Robbins, and Jim Rohn videos.

"Education may be boring for now. It is hard work, so it’s not fun. But it reaps results. Entertainment gives you pleasure for the moment. But it doesn’t reap any long term results in the future." 
                                                                                                                               -Francis Kong

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