What is a DAO and why does it matter to AEC?

Introduction Blockchain technology has revolutionized many industries worldwide, and the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry is no exception. A significant innovation in this context is the DAO, which is a "Decentralized Autonomous Organization". A DAO is a blockchain-based organizational structure that operates decentralised, enabling transparent and collaborative decision-making and facilitating participatory governance. In this article, we'll explore what exactly a DAO is and why it's relevant and important to the AEC industry. What is a DAO? A DAO is an autonomous, organization-like entity that operates through smart contracts on a blockchain network. Unlike a traditional company, there is no hierarchical structure of power, nor the need for intermediaries such as managers or executives. Instead, decision-making is carried out collectively and transparently, through voting based on ownership of tokens or units of the DAO's native c...

About Entering Commands in the Command Window

About Entering Commands in the Command Window

Commands are the instructions that tell the program what to do. 
There are many ways to initiate a command: 
  • Make a selection on a ribbon, toolbar, or menu. 
  • Enter a command in a dynamic input tooltip. 
  • Enter a command in the command window. 
  • Drag a custom command from a tool palette. 

The dockable, resizable command window accepts commands and system variables and displays prompts that help you complete a command sequence (including commands that were initiated at another location such as the ribbon). 


Respond to Command Prompts 

After you enter a command, you may see a series of prompts displayed at the command line. For example, after you enter PLINE and specify the first prompt, the following prompt is displayed: 
PLINE Specify next point or [Arc HalfwidthLength Undo Width]: 


In this case, the default is to specify the next point. You can either enter X,Y coordinate values or click a location in the drawing area. 

To choose a different option, click the option. If you prefer to use the keyboard, specify the option by entering the capitalized, colored letter. You can enter uppercase or lowercase letters. For example, to choose the Width option, type w and press Enter. 
Sometimes the default option (including the current value) is displayed after the angle-bracketed options: 

POLYGON Enter number of sides <4>:

n this case, you can press Enter to retain the current setting (4). If you want to change the setting, type another number and press Enter. 

Note:When you click a ribbon option to start commands that change property settings such as color, layer, lineweight, dimension style, and multileader style, the command line prompts are hidden. This reduces the display of unnecessary text. 

Display Suggested Commands and System Variables 

By default, the name of a command or system variable is automatically completed as you type it. A suggestion list of commands and system variables that use the same letters is also displayed. You can control the settings for these features in the Input Search Options dialog box. 

If the automatic completion features are turned off, type a letter on the command line and press the Tab key to cycle through all the commands and system variables that begin with that letter. Press Enter or Spacebar to start the command or system variable. 

Enter Command Aliases 

Some commands have abbreviated names, or command aliases, that you can enter at the command line. For example, instead of entering circle to start the CIRCLE command, you can type c and press Enter. The command Suggestion List (if displayed) indicates the alias in front of the command name: 
Command aliases are defined in the acad.pgp or acadlt.pgpfile. 

Interrupt a Command with another Command or System Variable 

Many commands can be used transparently. That is, they can be entered on the command line while you use another command. Commands that do not select objects create new objects, or end the drawing session usually can be used in this way. 

To use a command transparently, enter an apostrophe (') before entering the command at any prompt. On the command line, double angle brackets (>>) precede prompts that are displayed for transparent commands. After you complete the transparent command, the original command resumes. In the following example, you turn on the grid and set it to one-unit intervals in the middle of the LINE command. 

Command: line
Specify first point: 'grid
>>Specify grid spacing (X) or [ON/OFF/Snap/Major/aDaptive/Limits/Follow/Aspect] <0 .5000="">: 1
Resuming LINE command 
Specify first point: 
Changes made in dialog boxes that you have opened transparently cannot take effect until the interrupted command has been completed. Similarly, if you reset a system variable transparently, the new value cannot take effect until you start the next command. 

Aids for Entering Commands 

The program offers several ways to remember which commands to use: 

• Automatic completion. Completes name of a command or system variable as you type it. 

 Command line suggestion list. Displays a list of commands or system variables that match or contain the letters you have typed. The order of this list changes as you use the program, so that the commands you use most frequently are displayed at the top of the list. The program also offers suggestions for misspelled entries. 

 Automatic correction. Commands that you frequently misspell. The program automatically adds words that you misspell and correct a specified number of times to the AutoCorrectUserDB.pgpfile. You can also update this text file manually. 

 Command cycling. Cycles through commands you have already used in the current session when you press the Arrow keys. An arrow button on the left end of the command line also displays this list. You can change the settings for these options from the command line Customization button or shortcut menu. 

This document contains content adapted from the Autodesk® Knowledge Network, available under Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works. Copyright © Autodesk, Inc.

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