What is a DAO and why does it matter to AEC?

Introduction Blockchain technology has revolutionized many industries worldwide, and the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry is no exception. A significant innovation in this context is the DAO, which is a "Decentralized Autonomous Organization". A DAO is a blockchain-based organizational structure that operates decentralised, enabling transparent and collaborative decision-making and facilitating participatory governance. In this article, we'll explore what exactly a DAO is and why it's relevant and important to the AEC industry. What is a DAO? A DAO is an autonomous, organization-like entity that operates through smart contracts on a blockchain network. Unlike a traditional company, there is no hierarchical structure of power, nor the need for intermediaries such as managers or executives. Instead, decision-making is carried out collectively and transparently, through voting based on ownership of tokens or units of the DAO's native c...

What is AUGI?

What is AUGI?

AUGI is the Autodesk User Group International, officially recognized by Autodesk as representing the Autodesk user community. AUGI has two prime directives. The first is to assist its members by presenting programs and information that will enhance their use of Autodesk products. The second is to deliver the voice of the user community to Autodesk, thus assisting Autodesk in product development and giving users a say in the process.

1990: Mystery Meet/Meat
The North American Autodesk User Group (NAAUG) was the original brainchild of John Forbes, then a senior Autodesk representative. Before John became an Autodesk employee, he had been a user of Autodesk software and an Autodesk dealer; he knew that AutoCAD software users could benefit greatly from sharing their knowledge and experience of the software with one another. So, in 1989 he began planning the first national meeting of AutoCAD users in San Jose, California, near Autodesk's headquarters in Sausalito.

2010: Celebrating Twenty Years
AUGI was started back in 1990 and completed the 20th year of assisting users who want to connect to other users.  We have expanded from a small group of scattered participants to almost 200,000 international members.  Over those twenty years we moved from NAAUG to AUGI and embraced new technologies to invigorate the sharing of knowledge between members. 

AUGI celebrated its twentieth year with a slew of benefit opportunities.  Members have always been our focus and that continued as demonstrated through new rollouts and initiatives.

Membership Statistics
AUGI members come from all walks of professional life, all industries, and numerous countries. Our membership is deep and diverse—from CEOs to drafters; from trainers to students. Here's what the AUGI membership looked like as of Dec 01, 2012.

Total Membership
Current Membership is over 300,000

Membership Percentage by Working Title
23% Manager
17% Architect
17% Engineer
16% Designer
9% User/Drafter
6% Student
5% Educator/Faculty/Trainer
3% Consultant
3% 3D Graphics/Developer
2% Owner/President

International Representation
AUGI members are representing over 195 countries.

Highlighting the top 12:

United States 49.2%
Canada 5.3%
United Kingdom 4.4%
Brazil 4.0%
India 3.6%
Australia 3.4%
France 1.9%
Mexico 1.3%
Germany 1.1%
Russian Federation 1.1%
Japan 1.1%
China 1.0%

Industry Representation
AUGI members represent all of the industries touched by Autodesk products.

51.8% Architecture/Engineering/Construction/Facilities Management
17.2% Engineering/Aerospace/Automotive/Machinery/Industrial/Chemical
11.1% Civil Engineering/Surveying/Mapping/GIS/Geology/Forestry
6.0% Education/Training Institutions
5.9% Process/Utilities/Pipelines/Powerlines
4.7% Manufacturing
2.1% Computer: Service/Software/Sales/Consulting
1.2% Federal/Local/State Government or Military

What does AUGI do?

AUGI provides an environment for users to help users. We offer programs and services that allow the Autodesk user community access to one another and to Autodesk. Our goal is to implement programs that are lacking in the Autodesk community rather than compete with programs already available to users. Our motto is Users Helping Users. We work very hard to promote our membership as a community working together to strengthen each other and the community in general.

What is AUGI’s relationship with Autodesk?

AUGI is an independent organization, closely associated with Autodesk, but not part of it. Autodesk participates as an AUGI sponsor.

How does AUGI do it?

The short answer is with the dedication of volunteers and continued sponsorship investments from corporate supporters.

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